
My list of publications


di Lego, V., Sanchez-Romero, M., & Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, A. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 vaccines on the Case Fatality Rate: The importance of monitoring breakthrough infections. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.03.059

Luy, M., Sauerberg, M., Muszyńska-Spielauer, M. and di Lego, V. (2021). Decrease in Life Expectancy in Germany in 2020: Men from Eastern Germany Most Affected. Comparative Population Studies. 46, (Dec. 2021). DOI:

di Lego, V. (2021) Health expectancy indicators: what do they measure?. Cad Saúde Colet, 2021;29 (esp.): 115-129.

Nepomuceno M. R., di Lego, V., Turra, C.M. (2021). Gender disparities in health at older ages and their consequences for well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2021 (Vol. 19). doi:10.1553/populationyearbook2021.res2.1

Sánchez-Romero M, di Lego V., Prskawetz A, L. Queiroz B (2021) An indirect method to monitor the fraction of people ever infected with COVID-19: An application to the United States. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0245845.

Spitzer, S., di Lego, V., Greulich, A. and Muttarak, R. (2021). A demographic perspective on human wellbeing: Concepts, measurement and population heterogeneity. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 19.

di Lego, V.; Di Giulio, P.; Luy, M.(2020). “Gender differences in healthy and unhealthy life years”, in: Jagger, C.; Crimmins, E.; Saito, Y.; De Carvalho Yokota, R.; Van Oyen H.; Robine, J.-M. (eds.): International Handbook of Health Expectancies, Cham, Springer: 151-172

Sánchez-Romero, M.; di Lego, V.; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, A.; Queiroz, B. L. (2020). How many lives can be saved? A global view on the impact of testing, herd immunity and demographics on COVID-19 fatality rates, ECON WPS, No. 05/2020, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Research Group Economics, Vienna

Sobotka, Tomas; Zeman, Krystof; Spitzer, Sonja; Reiter, Claudia; di Lego, Vanessa; Yildiz, Dilek; Özdemir, Caner; Goujon, Anne; Binder-Hammer, Bernhard; Bloom, David E. ; Fan, Victoria Y. ; Kufenko,Vadim; Ogbuoji, Osondu; Prettner, Klaus ; Yamey, Gavin; Rowe, Francisco; Bell, Martin; Bernard, Aude ; Charles-Edwards,Elin; Scherbov, Sergei. 2020: European Demographic Datasheet , Vienna Institute of Demography:

Sobotka T., Brzozowska Z., Muttarak R., Zeman K. & di Lego, V. (2020). Age, gender and COVID-19 infections(p. 16).

Di Lego, Vanessa; Di Giulio, Paola; Luy, Marc.(2020). “Gender differences in healthy and unhealthy life years”, in: Jagger, C.; Crimmins, E.; Saito, Y.; De Carvalho Yokota, R.; Van Oyen H.; Robine, J.-M. (eds.): International Handbook of Health Expectancies, Cham, Springer: 151-172

Sánchez-Romero, Miguel; Di Lego, Vanessa; Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia; Queiroz, Bernardo Lanza (2020). How many lives can be saved? A global view on the impact of testing, herd immunity and demographics on COVID-19 fatality rates, ECON WPS, No. 05/2020, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, Research Group Economics, Vienna

Sobotka, Tomas; Zeman, Krystof; Spitzer, Sonja; Reiter, Claudia; di Lego, Vanessa; Yildiz, Dilek; Özdemir, Caner; Goujon, Anne; Binder-Hammer, Bernhard; Bloom, David E. ; Fan, Victoria Y. ; Kufenko,Vadim; Ogbuoji, Osondu; Prettner, Klaus ; Yamey, Gavin; Rowe, Francisco; Bell, Martin; Bernard, Aude ; Charles-Edwards,Elin; Scherbov, Sergei. (2020) European Demographic Datasheet , Vienna Institute of Demography:

Sobotka T., Brzozowska Z., Muttarak R., Zeman K. & di Lego, Vanessa. (2020). Age, gender and COVID-19 infections(p. 16).

di Lego, Vanessa; Lazarevič, Patrick; Luy, Marc: “The Male-Female Health-Mortality Paradox”, in: Gu, Danan; Dupre, Matthew E. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, Dordrecht et al., Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_798-2 (published online: 17.10.2019)

Luy, Marc; Di Giulio, Paola; di Lego, Vanessa; Lazarevič, Patrick; Sauerberg, Markus, (2019). “Life expectancy: frequently used, but hardly understood”, Gerontology 66(1): 95-104 (published online: 08.08.2019)

Sobotka, Tomas; Zeman, Krystof; di Lego, Vanessa; Goujon, Anne; Hammer, Bernhard; Loichinger, Elke; Sauerberg, Markus; Luy, Marc; Rengs, Bernhard, (2018) European Demographic Datasheet , Vienna Institute of Demography:

di Lego V., Turra C., Cesar C. (2017). Mortality selection among adults in Brazil: The survival advantage of Air Force officers. Demographic Research (37) 41:1339–1350. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2017.37.41

Work in progress

di Lego, V. Who has been saved more? Trends in the gender gap in mortality through the revivorship approach. Demographic Research. Revise and Resubmit

Spitzer, Sonja; di Lego, Vanessa; Kuhn, Michael; Roth, Christian; Berger, D. Socio-economic environment and survival in patients after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI): An observational study for the City of Vienna. BMJ Open. Resubmitted after first Review

di Lego, V.; Sauerberg, M. (2022) The Sensitivity of the Healthy Life Years Indicator: Approaches for Dealing with Age-Specific Prevalence Data. CPoS. Comparative Population Sutdies. Under Review

Aburto, J. M; di Lego, V; Riffe, T; Kashyap, R; Torrisi, O; van Raalte, A. Global contribution of violence to lifetime uncertainty.

di Lego, V., Spitzer, S. Lazarevic, P. Representation and measurement errors in health surveys and their impact on health expectancies.

Remund, A.: di Lego, V. How many lives do we live? Unifying lifesaving approaches

Goldstein, J.; di Lego, V. Will mortality fall after the pandemic? A formal analysis of selection effects after a shock.

di Lego, V.; Nepomuceno, M; Turra, C. Gender Inequality in Healthy Ageing: A Cross-National Comparison


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