Follow here my current reading project on reading all the books from The Human Comedy, from Honoré Balzac
The Human Comedy is a vast series of some 90 novels and novellas by Honoré de Balzac, known in the original French as La Comédie Humaine. The books that made up the series were published between 1829 and 1847. There are many orders to read them and a debate among scholars on what order should the books be read. I am following the one suggested by this reading group here that used most of the recommendations from William Hobart Royce’s book Balzac as He Should Be Read. I chose this one after a long search due to the fact that the group was more enthusiastic and not so much literary critics. I wanted to have a deeper feeling for French society and institutions in, but, most importantly, I wanted to partake in a long, long, long, reading project. I adore long books, and tend to hold on to stories that unravell slowly and painfully (I know - tough to understand why anyone would like such a thing). Everytime I finish one of these books, however, I feel a tremendous empty feeling (junky vibes anyone?) and was seeking an experience that would allow for a more prolonged feeling of being inside a story and avoid the blues. If you share the same feeling as I do or are just interested in my analysis of each story just stay tuned for more updates on this.
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